NMA Purchase Award for Navajo Technical University, Crownpoint, NM
NMA Purchase Award for CNM, Abq, NM
Catalog: Taos Abstract Artist Collective, Fall Exhibition 2023, Stables Gallery
Catalog: 50th Annual National Juried Exhibition of Works on Paper, Brand Library & Art Center, 2022
“Exhibition marks couple’s return from a productive ‘hiatus’” by Wesley Pulkka, Abq Journal, May 2016
Purchase for the Albuquerque Public Art Collection, Abq, NM
Honorable Mention and Albuquerque Journal Review, Image NM 2013
Purchase for the Albuquerque Public Art Collection, Abq, NM
Featured Artist, Gallery Store, Albuquerque Museum, Abq, NM
“Constructed Collaboration, a Marriage of Art”, Albuquerque Arts, October 2004
Purchase of work for The Albuquerque Museum’s permanent collection
“The Capital’s Art”, NM Journey Magazine, July/August 1999
Best of Show Award, “Les Refuses” exhibit, Albuquerque, NM
Merit Award, GALEX 31 National Exhibition
Honorable Mention - Internationl Juried Show
Honorable Mention - 6’th National Art Exhibition
Purchase and donation of work to Museum of New Mexico’s permanent collection
Gene Hovey Photography Award - Counterpoint ‘96
Winner of Willard Van Dyke Photography Grant
Juror's Award - 14'th September Competition, Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, LA
Capital Building Purchase Selection
Winner of solo exhibition, ‘National Juried Competition’, Phoenix Gallery, Soho, NY
Honorable Mention - 'Through the Looking Glass, 94, Fuller Art Lodge, Los Alamos, NM
Summer 94 issue, NM Photographer - ‘Ninth National Competition’,
Honorable Mention - ‘International Juried Competition, New Jersey Center for Visual Arts, NJ
Hartiens Award - ‘National Juried Competition’, Louisana Art Association, LA
First Prize - ‘Through the Looking Glass’, Fuller Art Lodge, Los Alamos, NM
Purchase Prize Award - ‘Counterpoint’ 93 , Hill Country Arts Foundation, Ingram, Tx
Wingspread Merit Award - ‘NM Arts & Crafts Fair’, Albuquerque, NM
Expo 44, BJ Spoke Gallery, NYC
Juror: Emily Olek, MOMA, NY
Artsthrive, Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, Abq, NM
Taos Abstract Artist Collectivm 2’nd Annual Group Show, Taos, NM
“Abstract 2023”, Las Lagunas Art Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
“Strange, Weird, & Unique”, SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC
Juror: Michhael Kirchoff, Analog Forever Magazibe, Blur Magazine, Catalyst Interviews
Artsthrive, Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, Abq, NM
Brand 50: Annual National Juried Exhibition of Works on Paper, Brand Library, Glendale, CA
Juror: Shannon Currie Holmes
Digital Art, Assemblage, or Collage, Las Laguna Art Gallery, CA
Visions of Nature: Contemporary Views in Alternative Photographic Techniques
Juror: Diana Bloomfield, Light Art Space, Silver City, NM
Artsthrive, Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, Abq, NM
Open 2020, SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC
Artsthrive, Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, Abq, NM
Alternative Processes '20, SE Center for Photography, Greenville, SC
Juror: Jill Enfield
Transitions, April Price Projects Gallery, Abq, NM
Artsthrive, Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, Abq, NM
Minatures and More 2016, Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, Albuquerque, NM
Minatures and More 2016, Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, Albuquerque, NM
Visual Dialog, April Price Projects Gallery, Abq, NM
Purchase Award, City of Albuquerque Public Arts Program, Abq, NM
Inventing Perspective, Delta College for the Arts, Stockton, CA
Juror: Corey Keller, Curator of Photography, San Francisco Museum of Art
Image NM 2013, Matrix Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Jurors: Brigitte Carnochan, Robert Farber, Cat Jimenez
Abstract New Mexico, Matrix Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Juror: Andrew Connors, Curator, Albuquerque Museum
Photo New Mexico, Matrix Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Juror: Mary Ann Redding, Palace of the Governors, SF, NM
Photo New Mexico, Matrix Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
Juror: Douglas Fairfield, Curator, Albuquerque Museum
NM Cancer Center, Albuquerque, NM
Focus Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM
Fall Art Open House, NM Cancer Center, NM
Silicon Sands, Las Cruces Museum of Art, Las Cruces, NM
Juried Membership Exhibition, Houston Center for Photography, Houston, Tx
“Constructed Collaboration”, Two Person Show, Galerie E, Albuquerque, NM
Light Images 7, State Capital Building, Santa Fe, NM
Photoarts Market, Santa Fe, NM
NMACF, Albuquerque, NM
Southwest Arts Festival, Albuquerque, NM
Artist Studio Tour, Contemporary Arts Society, Albuquerque, NM
Southwest Arts Festival, Albuquerque, NM
NMACF, Albuquerque, NM
“Les Refuses” Group Show, Albuquerque, NM
Light Images Show, Santa FeCouncil for the Arts, Santa Fe, NM
McNeese National Works On Paper 1998, McNeese State University, LA
1998 Georgetown Annual International Art Exhibition, Fraser Gallery, DC
Albuquerque Country Club - two person show
NMACF, Albuquerque, NM
Internationl Juried Show 1997, NJ Center for Visual Arts, NJ
Creative Images 1997, Indianapolis Art Center, IN
GALEX 31 National Exhibition, Galesburg Civic Art Center, Galesburg, IL
6’th National Art Exhibition, Northern Colorado Artist Association, Fort Collins, CO
Wildcards, Group Photo Show, Albuquerque, NM
Light Images, Santa Fe Council for the Arts, Santa Fe, NM
Spectra ‘97, Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan, CT
Juror: Robert Sobieszek, Curator of Photography, LA County Museum of Art, CA
Solo Show - Megan Fox Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Art of Albuquerque - Magnifico ‘96, Albuquerque, NM
Jurors: Stewart Ashman, Linda Durham, Maria Moya, Sonny Rivera, Wesley Rusnell
Contemporary ‘96, Albuquerque United Artists, Albuquerque, NM
Juror: Elizabeth Smith, Curator - LA County Arts Museum, Los Angeles, CA
NMACF, Albuquerque, NM
Jurors: Ricardo Chavez-Mendez, Mary Carroll Nelson, Lynne Pomeranz, Reynaldo Rivera, Todd T
Light Images: A Selection of NM Photographers, Santa Fe, NM
Counterpoint ‘96, Hill Country Arts Foundation, Ingram, TX
Juror: Barbara Elam, Asst. Professor of Art, Rockford College, Rockford, IL
Southwest Arts Festival, Albuquerque, NM
'19'th September Competition', Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, LA
Juror: William Fagaly, Asst. Director, New Orleans Museum of Art
‘International Juried Competition, NJ Center for Visual Arts, NJ
Juror: Lowery Sims, Associate Curator, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
'67'th Annual Juried Exposition', Art Association of Harrisburg, PA
Juror: Phyllis Rosenzweig, Associate Curator, Hirshorn Museum
‘Light Images: A Selection of NM Photographers, Santa Fe, NM
Jurors: Marsha Reifman and Louise Roach, Santa Fe, NM
‘Art of Albuquerque - Magnifico’ 95, Albuquerque, NM
'40'th Annual National Juried Exhibit', San Diego Art Institute, CA
Juror: Elizabeth Armstrong, Curator, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
‘Through the Looking Glass’,Fuller Art Lodge, Los Alamos, NM
Juror: Frank Aoi, Aoi Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
‘13’th Annual September Competition’, Alexandria Museum of Art, LA
Juror: Lowery Sims, Associate Curator, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
‘Southwest Arts & Crafts Fair’, Albuquerque, NM
Juror: Tom Barrow, University of NM
‘Light Images: A Selection of NM Photographers, Santa Fe, NM
Jurors: Marsha Reifman and Louise Roach, Santa Fe, NM
‘Solo Exhibition’, Phoenix Gallery, Soho, NY
Juror: Diane Waldman, Senior Curator, Guggenheim Museum, NYC
‘Visions of Excellence’, Fine Arts Gallery, NM State Fairgrounds
Jurors: Terry Etherton, Barbara Grygutis, Jim Waid, Tucson, AZ
‘International Juried Competition, NJ Center for Visual Arts, NJ
Juror: Robin T. Buck, Brooklyn Museum
‘National Juried Competition’, Louisana Art Association, LA
‘Two person show’, Albuquerque Country Club, Albuquerque, NM
‘Paper Chase’, AUA Art Space, Albuquerque, NM
‘Artikulate’, AUA Art Space, Albuquerque, NM
‘Through the Looking Glass’, Fuller Art Lodge, Los Alamos, NM
Jurors:Reid Callahan, Duane Monczewski, Joette O’Connor, Santa Fe,NM
‘Wild Things’, Patrician Design, Albuquerque, NM
‘Route 66 Revisited’ (traveling show), Red Mesa Arts Center,
Gallup - Albuquerque - Chicago - St. Louis
‘Counterpoint’ 93 , Hill Country Arts Foundation, Ingram, TX
Juror: Roy Flukinger, University of Texas, Austin, TX
‘NM Arts & Crafts Fair’, Albuquerque, NM
‘Art of Albuquerque - Magnifico’ 93, Albuquerque, NM
‘Women about Women - Men About Women’, Red Mesa Arts Center,
‘Orbit’, AUA Art Space, Albuquerque, NM
‘Southwest Arts & Crafts Festival’, Albuquerque, NM
‘Visions of Excellence’, Albuquerque, NM
‘Art of Albuquerque - Magnifico’, Albuquerque, N
‘Fine Art Fiesta’, Sweeney Convention Center, Santa Fe, NM
‘Something Wild’, Gallery 160, NM Highlands University, NM
‘Counterpoint’, Hill Country Arts Foundation, Ingram, TX
NM Arts & Crafts Fair, Albuquerque, NM